We Knew This Puppy Was Trouble The Minute We Brought Him Home To Meet Hollywood The Dog

  • 5 years ago
This video was taken a year ago and I'm finally getting around to publishing it. We got him (Beep) on January 30, 2018. He is a bundle of energy and gives our sweet Hollywood (the dog) a workout. Being that she is such a high-energy dog, this has been good for her because Beep loves to play for hours on end, so this gives her an outlet for some of that energy.

When we first brought Beep home, we named him Bowie, but he didn't like that and it never really caught on. Since he was a puppy and full of energy, he reminded us of a roadrunner - you know - running everywhere saying BEEP BEEP. I said that to him one time and his ears perked up and he has answered to it ever since.

He was an abused puppy, so the first few months were very trying on the whole family but thanks to Hollywood, she took good care of him and showed him how things were done around the house and made him feel secure. Beep still likes to sit in between her legs at her chest area and it's hard to see him sometimes because they're both black. I think he feels safe and secure hiding with his big sister.

I think he is a long-haired chihuahua and a Scottish Terrier. He has the strangest wiry fur and he is very colorful. The top of his head is gray, his face is brown, and the rest of his body is salt and pepper.

He has become such a good boy!


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