What are the most common slip and fall cases?

  • 5 years ago
If you slip and fall at a commercial establishment, the first thing you're going to feel is embarrassment and you're going to try to get up and say "I'm okay. I'm fine," but the first thing you should do is try to determine "What caused me to fall?" It can be anywhere from an unreasonably slippery floor, one that's been painted concrete without the proper material to make sure it's not safe. It could be something that's been left on the floor that they should have picked up. It can be some kind of odd elevation that's not properly marked.

There are so many things that can cause you to slip and fall other than your own negligence. Don't just assume that "Oh, that's an embarrassing moment." You should definitely look around and try to figure out exactly what caused you to fall. Take a picture of it or somebody with you take the picture if you're not able to because the causes of slip and falls are often undetected by the person. Then you don't have a case. It's varied, and my best advice is to try to figure it out right when it happens. Call The Law Office of Gloria Seidule for your FREE case evaluation 772-222-3337.

