Trump Weighs In On Daylight Saving Time Debate, Says He Supports Making It Permanent

  • 5 years ago
President Trump on Monday weighed in on the daylight saving time issue.

President Trump on Monday voiced support for putting an end to adjusting clocks by an hour twice a year.  "Making Daylight Saving Time permanent is O.K. with me!" he wrote in a tweet.  Even in these highly partisan times, that is a proposal that could get significant support from both sides of the aisle.  The Hill reports, a number of states are already considering making "spring forward, fall back" a thing of the past, though some are proposing that it's the latter that be stopped.  Either way, the largely unwelcomed and, according to some, potentially dangerous interruption in daily life would be no more.  As the New York Times notes: "Research…has shown that human beings just aren't as flexible about their daily rhythms as they once seemed; accidents, heart attacks and strokes tend to occur in greater numbers around the time shift."