Ultimate Guard Dog Weighs 200lbs | TRULY


by Beastly

A DOG breeder from California claims to have resurrected a breed of giant guard dogs, weighing 200lbs. Marcus Curtis, 45, of Riverside, is the proud owner of a 212-pound monster ‘American Molossus’ dog named ‘Old World Sasquatch’. The 18-month-old beast is the result of Marcus’ mission to bring back what he calls the ‘Old World Molossus’ breed; dogs which are said to have guarded the leaders of the ancient world around 5000BC. Marcus told Barcroft Studios: “When people see Sasquatch, jaws drop. People are in shock and amazement when they see these giant beasts.” Marcus now sells ‘American Molossus puppies’ for five thousand dollars, but there’s a long waiting list for one of the rare pups.