North Korea, U.S. seek their respective allies to relay their stance after summit collapses

  • 5 years ago
北은 中•러와 밀착•美는 유럽에… 하노이결렬후 '우군 다지기'

While the rift between North Korea and the U.S. appear to be getting wider on the sequencing problem of denuclearization,... the two sides are now hard at work in relaying their views to their allies.
Watchers say this signals that the nuclear impasse could drag on.
Lee Ji-won at the foreign ministry for us.
North Korea says sanctions related to people's everyday lives need to be lifted.
The U.S. says they will not be removed until steps towards complete denuclearization are taken.
With neither budging,... both sides are seeking cooperation from their allies.
U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun met his British, German and French counterparts this week.
After their meeting Tuesday, Britain and Germany reiterated their support for U.S. efforts to achieve North Korea's denuclearization -- saying sanctions need to stay in place until the North takes complete denuclearization measures.
Biegun already met with officials in Seoul and Tokyo soon after the Hanoi summit ended.
The moves are in line with his visit to the UN Security Council earlier in the month, where Biegun reviewed the Hanoi summit and explained the need to continue implementing sanctions on the regime.
North Korea too, is engaged in active diplomacy.
Its been in talks with Russia at various levels, including Russian lawmakers' six-day visit to Pyeongyang that ended Thursday.
According to Russia's Tass News Agency, the lawmakers met with officials from the North's Ministry of External Economic Relations, where they discussed joint-economic projects that won't breach international sanctions.
Building a bridge to connect the two sides across the Tumen River on the North's east coast is said to be one of the potential projects.
The North is also closely communicating with China, reportedly asking Beijing to participate in an exhibition in Pyeongyang in May.
The state-run Rodong Sinmun even reports North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said they will continue to bolster unity and cooperation with socialist countries and develop relations with other nations friendly to them.
With both sides seeking allies to relay their stances rather than narrowing their differences, watchers are concerned the stalemate might last a while longer.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.


