Global community calls for end to discrimination, hatred on Int'l Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination

  • 5 years ago
오늘 인종차별철폐의 날…국가인권위원장 "공존사회 만들자"

March 21st is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
With the recent shootings in New Zealand and the Netherlands,... there are growing calls to put an end to extremist ideologies.
Oh Soo-young reports.
The international community is calling for an end to all forms of hatred and discrimination,... as the world mourns the victims who died from the recent shooting in New Zealand.
The mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand last Friday killed at least 50 people. Countries around the world have condemned the attack as an example of intolerance and rising Islamophobia.
"On March 21, International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination, we renew our promise to the world's people that we stand with the victims, in their grief and their demand for justice; and that we will struggle every day of every year against all forms of racism.”
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on March 21st,... marking the day that South African police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful rally against apartheid laws.
The United Nations, this year,... has emphasised the need to mitigate and counter the growing sentiments of nationalist populism and extreme supremacist ideologies.
On Thursday, Choi Young-ae head of South Korea's National Human Rights Commission also took a stand against hatred and discrimination.
She stressed that online and social media content as well as media reports that could instigate extremist views should not be left as they are.
Choi added that the commission has launched a special committee to address hatred and discrimination,... and will continue expanding efforts to root out such views and actions in Korean society.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.


