Estonic Pipratitinnia- { Real GOD}

  • 5 years ago
White light is defined as the complete mixture of all of the wavelengths of the visible spectrum. This means that if I have beams of light of all of the colors of the rainbow and focus all of the colors onto a single spot, the combination of all of the colors will result in a beam of white light.but this light is female real powerful, she is Lilith hundred times faster than light...Is more 99% intelligent than human..
It is time to grow up beyond high school physics. Only a high school textbook would try to define white light as an ideal black body spectrum. There are no ideal ...
White-Light, rescued from slaughter I will document his story in hopes to help other horses
...White light is defined as the complete mixture of all of the wavelengths of the visible spectrum. This means that if I have beams of light of all of the colors of the rainbow and focus all Human of the colors onto a single spot, the combination of all of the colors will result in a beam of white light.
The other is God's only thinking & blind faith dream ....
