Breathe Deep Best Sellers Rank : #1

  • 5 years ago
"There was no cure. There were no more treatments or medications that could help. No way of reversing the years of lung damage, scarring, infection, or inflammation. Both of my lungs were no longer able to adequately provide oxygen to the cells in my body. Carbon dioxide was building up in my bloodstream to a dangerous level. The excessive, forceful coughing was popping holes in my lungs and causing them to deflate. I could no longer live with my lungs. It was time for double lung transplant, the last resort."?Born with Cystic Fibrosis, a chronic, progress, life-threatening illness, Kelly was told she would only live to 18 years old. She surpassed the statistic, at age 29, was officially placed on the nation wait list for double lung transplant. Doctors said there was a %1 change of finding a donor match for this life-saving transplant. Kelly's wait for her new lungs was full of hardships and resilience, but through it all, she found her faith and whole new life.??Breathe Deep is true inspirational story about beating the odd. Life is full of trials and tribulations, and Breathe Deep will inspire you to make the most out of your life, strengthen your faith, and have HOPE.??THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU, AND YOU NEED ONLY TO BE STILL. Exodus 14:14?
