2019 South Korea and China cultural and arts exchange

  • 5 years ago
2019 한중 국제문화예술페스티발

South Korea and China held a cultural exchange festival in Korea's southwestern city of Ansan today.
Both countries performed traditional dances and built connections through culture and art.
Seo Bo-bin was there.
2019 is the 27th year of diplomatic relations between South Korea and China, and to foster friendship and cooperation between the two countries, a joint performance of traditional dances from China and Korea took place at the Ansan Culture and Arts Center on Wednesday.
The event was held by the Korea-Asia Culture & Friendship Association and the Korea Cultural Arts Group in order to bridge the gap between South Korea and China and to communicate with each other through the art of dance.
Even though relations have been frosty recently, this concert can be a chance to break down the barriers between South Korea and China… and open a way for a continuous exchange of culture and art between the two countries.
"By having such a huge scale of exchange of culture and art between the two countries, this is a great opportunity for us to introduce our culture to Korea."

"This performance can make the friendship between South Korea and China closer and although this is the first time, hopefully it can help continue the cultural exchange between the two countries."
"It's very exciting to be in Korea and it's a great honor to be performing and exchanging culture in Korea."
This first joint performance between South Korea and China could become a regular event, helping bridge the cultural gap between the two countries.
"As this was the first event, it is very meaningful and we hope to have this maybe every year or every 2 years to keep moving forward with the cultural exchanges. In the future we hope to invite South Korean performers to China and have a joint performance in China."
Performers from both countries are looking forward to holding more events in the future to actively engage and exchange with one another.
Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.


