Wordcraft: The Art of Turning Little Words Into Big Business Complete

  • 5 years ago
Paperback. Pub Date: 2005-3-1 Pages: 241 Publisher: Random House Five little words:. BlackBerry. Accenture. Viagra. Cayenne. e-business Two of the words are appropriated (BlackBerry andCayenne); two are completely made up ( Viagra and Accenture); andone (e-business) is a composite word made of a word and a letterthat already exist .These five words are the characters inthis book Words shape and move the modern marketplace;.... they are at onceubiquitous and . invisible But where do words such as Saturn. PowerBook. and Tylenol originate How did we come to xerox ourpaperwork and have a cup of Starbucks Which names work. and whyFor journalist Alex Frankel. what began as an exercise incuriosity - tracing the evolution of a handful of the mostsuccessful brand names from the marketplace to their places oforigin - resulted in a year-long journey in which he gained accessto a previo...
