Korea's nat'l liability rose to record high in 2018

  • 5 years ago
국가부채 1,700조 원 육박...공무원•군인연금 충당부채 눈덩이

Korea's national liability, which is the sum of the nation's debt and its future spending,... rose to a record high last year.
According to the finance ministry, the nation's liabilities... reached 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars, up 1-hundred-11.6 billion dollars on-year.
The ministry attributed the rise to the cost of pensions for public servants and the military.
The nation's sovereign debt... rose to 5-hundred-98 billion dollars, up 18 billion from the previous year.
That figure accounted for more than 30 percent of the nation's GDP, the same as the year before.
Meanwhile, Korea's state assets amounted to about 1-point-9 trillion dollars with net assets standing at 3-hundred-88 billion.


