I Fell In Love With A Gay And Didn't Regret It

  • 5 years ago
This is Angie. She wants to talk about LOVE. Since early childhood you hear that love is amazing, love is all you need blablabla. Angie says that love can also be an epic fail. Let her tell you her case.

She was living till high school sure that love was not for her. She was bombarded by creepy first love stories told by her female friends. “Oh my boyfriend this, my sweet bunny that…” She found out that infatuation turned their brains into bubblegum. So she was looking down on them all arrogant and sure that she would never ever be able to behave this way as she was too smart. She was looking at all the boys around her and couldn’t believe anyone in the Earth could find them interesting or attractive.

But after all Angie also got her piece of this cake. She once went to a birthday party of one of her cousins who studied in a different school and there she met one of her cousin’s schoolmates. His name was Eli. He was tall, with dark eyes and nice smile and had that enigmatic look that drives girls crazy. Angie didn’t buy into it but she was a bit bored and she came up to him to make a small talk because why not? She presented herself and he asked why she was not dancing while everyone was already in the dancefloor. “Oh I’m just giving them a handicap. When I start dancing I will steal the scene” – she answered ironically.

He seemed at once genuinely interested. “Do you play chess? You have used the chess term” “ Actually, I do. Do you as well?” He did. They chatted a bit about their chess experience and he turned out to be quite an experienced player. Then Angie asked him what music he liked and – BINGO! – he also liked classic jazz! This was a coincidence! She started to like him really very very much. When he confessed that Big Bang theory was his favourite TV show she found out that she was already pretty much in love. Well, just kidding, you can’t fall in love with someone after 10 minutes of talk but she found their resemblance impressive – do you know many jazz, chess and Big Bang theory lovers? Neither her!

Finally Angie found a boy who was interesting to talk to. They agreed to meet some day for a game of chess. And after all as they started to chat on a messenger and meet once or twice a week for a game and intellectual chat she found out that it was hard for her to stay without him for a long time. Angie understood that she fell in love for the first time in her life with all that butterflies in the stomach stuff she had always detested. Well, that was a lesson for being arrogant. She thought that it would be nice to analyze what Eli was thinking about her. After some observation she came to the conclusion that he liked her as well, looking at her in a special way and always caressing her hair. Isn’t it the symptom?

Angie decided that time had come for a coming out. She called him out for an evening at the theater. The name of the play was “Sister, act!” which Angie found very inspiring.
