Rain in the forecast this weekend _ 040519

  • 5 years ago
날씨: 주말 전국 대부분 비 소식

With continuous fire incidents occurring in the nation, we are in desperate need of rain.
Yes, and I hear there's some on the way.
For the latest update on the weather, let's turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center, Michelle?
Yes, the nation will be under cloudy skies on Saturday during the afternoon with occasional showers.
The rain will focus on the central region, and down south on Sunday.
At the same time though, Beijing and Tokyo stay under clear skies.
But the rain won't relieve the dry conditions completely as most of the regions will only recieve a small amount of rain,... of between 5 and 10 millimeters while the eastern regions recieve less.
Going over to our readings,...
The morning in Seoul will begin at 5 degrees Celsius, and warmer as we move down the southern areas.
Seoul's daily high will be a few notches lower than today at 14 degrees, while Daegu and Gyeongju rise into the twenties.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.


