Beto O'Rourke Compares Trump's Immigration Rhetoric To Nazi Germany

Geo Beats

by Geo Beats

Presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke on Thursday compared President Trump’s immigration rhetoric to the views expressed in Nazi Germany.

 Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke on Thursday compared President Trump's immigration rhetoric to the views expressed in Nazi Germany, reports Bloomberg. Speaking at Iowa's Morningside College, O'Rourke brought up "the rhetoric of a president who not only describes immigrants as rapists and criminals but as animals and an infestation." "Seeking to ban all Muslims, all people of one religion, what other country on the face of the planet does that kind of thing? Or in our human history? Or in the history of the western world?"O'Rourke continued. "Because they are somehow deficient or violent or a threat to us? Putting kids in cages, saying that Neonazis and Klansmen and white supremacists are 'very fine people'?"  O'Rouke also noted: "Now, I might expect someone to describe another human being as an infestation in the Third Reich. I would not expect that in the United States of America."  The many examples O'Rourke mentioned included comments Trump made as a presidential candidate and the president.  Trump referred to Mexicans as "rapists" and "criminals" in his campaign launch speech.
"At a White House event last year, Trump described immigrants as 'animals,' later clarifying that he was referring to members of the MS-13 gang, most of whose members are from Central America," according to the Washington Post. Other matters alluded to by O'Rourke involved Trump's effort to institute a travel ban for people traveling from a number of predominantly-Muslim countries, his family separation policy, and his apparent reluctance to denounce white supremacist groups after the deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.