City of Chicago Plans to Sue Jussie Smollett

  • 5 years ago
City of Chicago Plans
to Sue Jussie Smollett Chicago is demanding $130,106.15
from Smollett to recoup the costs of
his hate crime investigation. The city’s Department of Law
sent Smollett the bill after his
case was dropped by the Cook
County State’s Attorney office. They threatened to sue Smollett
if their demands were not met. Smollett refused to pay the sum and
has condemned the legal threat as
“malicious” and “made in bad faith.” Geragos & Geragos, Legal Team to Jussie Smollett, via statement The payment deadline issued
by the Law Department to
Smollett expired on April 4. City of Chicago, via statement Under Chicago bylaws,
the city can seek more than
$390,000 from Smollett.