Trump Calls Press 'Truly The Enemy Of The People' In Scathing Attack

  • 5 years ago
President Trump on Friday again slammed the media.

President Trump on Friday again slammed the media on Twitter.
"The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Trump tweeted. "They can't stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!"
The tweet came hours after Trump criticized the Washington Post over its reporting on the US-Mexico border situation and again threatened to shut the border down.  "The Crazed and Dishonest Washington Post again purposely got it wrong. Mexico, for the first time in decades, is meaningfully apprehending illegals at THEIR Southern Border, before the long march up to the U.S. This is great and the way it should be," Trump tweeted. "The big flow will stop." "However, if for any reason Mexico stops apprehending and bringing the illegals back to where they came from, the U.S. will be forced to Tariff at 25% all cars made in Mexico and shipped over the Border to us," Trump further noted. "If that doesn't work, which it will, I will close the Border."  It's unclear which border-closure-related Washington Post report he's referencing, but a piece published on Thursday raised questions about the efficacy of wisdom of such a move.  In it, the publication stated: "Critics have said...that Trump's policies have failed to address the complex factors that have sparked the influx of migrant families, mostly from Central American nations, and adequately respond to the mounting humanitarian crisis." 
"Although Trump said his threat to close the border aimed to put economic pressure on Mexico, experts said it would do little to stem the flow of migrants, many of whom cross between legal ports of entry and seek to surrender to authorities in hopes of winning asylum protections," the Post also noted.