• 6 years ago
5 people from different branches of the air force come together when they are asked to be part of a secret team of super heros.right after the start of world war 2.they agree and were given there powers by government testing.they form the squadron rangers.to protect the planet and the usa from the evil NO SEE Army led by the evil alien dictator Führer trenchgas,as well as his 2nd in command the former military experament robot proto type ALPHA 0 also former ally to the squadron rangers,.as the very first PR team watch as they save the world. SIDENOTE:THIS IS A DEDICATION TO MY GRANDPA HARRY 7 GRANDMA GEAN.AS WELL AS HIS B-26 WW2 BUDDYS AND CREW FROM WW2.AS I LOOK UP TO THEM AS THEY ARE MY HEROS.

