Nationwide rain in store _ 040919

  • 5 years ago
Good morning, grab an umbrella on your way out, it's forecast to be a rainy one for the entire nation. Starting from Jeju and Jeollanam-do Province this lunch hour, gradually spreading to rest of the country by the evening.
The capital area will see 5 to 20 millimeters of rainfall, southern coastal regions will see 30 to 80 millimeters, mountainous regions in Gangwon-do Province will receive snow. Today's wet conditions will help to ease the dryness in the air, yet dry weather alerts are in place for most areas for now.
Taking a closer look at today's temperatures, Seoul is waking up to a low of 7 degrees Celsius, a lot chillier in Chuncheon at 3 degrees.
Daily highs will be similar to a couple notches lower than yesterday, ranging between 15 and 17 degrees Celsius. Expect normal to good air in most areas.
That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.
