Microdacism on Visualization. When I was about 6 years old I made a discovery (but I didn’t know that I had made a discovery because I thought everyone was doing what I did). I would take some time out to be by myself and then I would imagine myself doing all kinds of things. Traveling the world. Flying in an airplane, having the use of lots of money… It was called visualization. I really enjoyed being my own company. Later I was fortunate enough to have teachers who encouraged active imagination. In the Navy, I learned of a POW who survived being in the hands of his captures because of visualization. He had come to terms with his own death, but (and this is important), he had also come to terms with the power of his mind. Everybody dies and his captures could kill him at any time, but, he had control of his imagination. So, he looked forward to being returned to his tiny cell because it gave him a chance to play 18 holes of golf… in his mind. He got so good at it that he saw every tree, every bunker, every aspect of playing – including the bad shots. Then I truly understood the power of the mind when my sister told me a story an old and wise Jewish Lady told her. She told my sister that the reason who some people are poor and will never be rich is because of the slave mentality. They grew up being told constantly about their shame and their guilt. They were constantly told (by religion) that they should work hard for their masters because their rewards would be after they die (and in heaven). They were constantly told of the virtues of poverty and being meek and mild… You know what I am talking about. That Slave/Master mentality was enhanced by God via religion. Later, on my own via reading the great works of the sages, I understood the power of the mind and how easily it could be manipulated by the unscrupulous to those who were intellectually lazy and those who endorsed shame and guilt. This video is in Standard Definition and was designed as an aid to take you from where you are to where you want to be via visualization. These flowers are your visual images to towards greater visions of your own creation. Start here and expand your mind to where you want to be KNOWING that your mind is your connecting link to God (meaning your higher self), and it is unlimited. Your imagination is the greatest faculty of your mind. Want to be healthy then create your own health via your imagination. Want to be rich then create your own wealth in your mind. There are no limits. Keep in mind also that there’s a difference between what you have been told and what is real. Money, for example, is useless. It’s power is in what it does. The power of money is in its use. Your appreciation of money’s use lies in your appreciation of its use via your feelings. Your feelings – how you feel about the use of money. So, for now, use this standard definition video to practice your visualization. See yourself as you want to be. 4K version: youtube.com/microdac