These 3 Diets Cause 11 Million Deaths Every Year

  • 5 years ago
These 3 Diets Cause 11 Million Deaths Every Year It's no secret that diet and health are connected. But some diets may be deadlier than we thought. The Global Burden of Disease Study assesses the causes of death in all parts of
the world. Their latest analysis revealed the deadliest diets worldwide. 1. Too much salt caused
3 million deaths. 2. Too few whole grains caused
3 million deaths. 3. Not enough fruit caused
2 million deaths. Low intake of nuts, seeds, vegetables, omega-3 from seafood and fiber also caused high numbers of deaths. High salt intake can contribute to cardiovascular disease, the No. 1 cause
of death. Salt raises blood pressure, which can eventually lead to heart failure. Christopher Murray, University of Washington via BBC.