• 5 years ago
This man uses history-inspired routes to stay focused on long runs.

Todd Aydelotte has been a runner for most of his 50 years.

“In the last 3 years, I’ve really started pursuing endurance running and ultrarunning. About 2 years ago, the training really stepped up and I started taking on longer distances in excess of 50 miles.”

Aydelotte became increasingly jealous of the lifestyles of his favorite ultrarunners.

He was inspired by their long runs through canyons, mountains, and wooded trails.

Aydelotte wanted to use nature as a distraction on his runs, too.

Unfortunately for him, the closest mountains were hours away from his Manhattan home.

His solution: incorporate historical sites into his long run routes.

I started digesting as much history as I could before I took off on these runs so that when I started really getting out there in the long distances, I could fall into a meditative run really and reflect on the subject at hand.

One run involved retracing pivotal moments from Theodore Roosevelt’s time as NYC police commissioner.

Another paid tribute to the victims of David Burkowitz, the infamous “Son of Sam” killer.

One run even retraced the journey through the streets of New York depicted in the film, “The Warriors.”

He documents the runs on his Instagram page with annotated notes of each destination’s significance.

I’m ready. This way!

On January 10th, 2019, he embarked on a 74-mile journey inspired by inventor Nikola Tesla.

We’re at the New Yorker, where Nikola Tesla died in 1943.
Just visited the Tesla exhibit downstairs. See you soon.

He began in Manhattan and ran to the Tesla Science Center on Long Island.

The run took 17.5 hours in sub-30-degree weather.

I’m so cold. No matter how many layers you have on, it cuts right through you.

Aydelotte says his runs require multiple steps of research.

First, he goes to a library to educate himself on the run’s dedicated subject matter.

Then, he examines topographical maps to prepare himself for the terrain.

Finally, he studies crime maps to determine if the area is safe to be alone overnight.

He says he never avoids an area he’s interested in, he just prefers to know how aware he needs to be.

Aydelotte says he hopes he’s not the only “historical ultrarunner,” though he hasn’t met any others.

I find that ultrarunners are quality human beings and highly intellectual who march to their own drummer and look at the world in unique ways. (Historical runs) impacts me and generates feelings. – Todd Aydelotte

Next for the history buff is a run based on the drug ring made famous in “The French Connection.”


