Moderate weather this weekend

  • 5 years ago
날씨: 주말 대체로 맑음

The weather was breezy and cool today due to cloudy skies.
That's right, we had some relief from the unseasonably warm weather,...
For details, let's turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center, Michelle?
The gloomy morning turned into a bright day with good air quality.
Saturday will stay moderate with considerable cloudiness,.... but the dry weather conditions will remain.
Beijing will have a way cooler daytime high tomorrow with occasional rain showers.
Going over to the morning readings,...
Seoul will be getting up to 10 degrees Celsius, while Chuncheon, Daegu and Gyeongju fall into single digit readings.
Saturday's daytime highs, however, will mostly reach the low twenties.
Seoul is set to hit 20, while Daegu and Gyeongju will rise to 24 and 23 degrees.
We'll be able to enjoy the nice weather all throughout the weekend except in Jeju where showers are expected at night.
By Monday, Seoul can expect summer-like weather,... with highs reaching 25 degrees.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
