PM Narendra Modi stern warning to Pakistan on nukes, blames Congress for delaying solution to J&K

  • 5 years ago
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who today said it was New Delhi's dangers of outcomes that prompted Pakistan discharging caught IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman, in Gujarat's Patan, raised the pitch at his next race rally in Rajasthan's Barmer. India, he showed, additionally has atomic weapons and would not be cowed somewhere around Pakistan.

"India has stopped the arrangement of being terrified of Pakistani dangers. Haven't I made the best choice," he scrutinized the group, which thundered endorsement. "Else, each other day they declared, "We have atomic catch, we have atomic catch". So what do we have at that point? Are those being put something aside for Diwali?"

Since the fear assault on Pulwama, the BJP crusade has been worked around patriotism and national security. In any case, while PM Modi and his pastors and gathering pioneers have blamed the Congress for falling flat the nation on that front, the legislature has not said much on what happened amid the correspondences with Pakistan at the time.