Who was Anibal Gordon? (Colonel Federico) - Guillermo Kelly 1992

  • hace 5 años
Report on Anibal Gordon (Colonel Federico). Image of Anibal Gordon traveling by car as a detainee. Image with a crowd of people covering the entire 9 de Julio avenue after the return to democracy in 1983. Image of Guillermo Patricio Kelly talking to the press (1992). Daily cover Clarin "Kelly appeared alive". Magazine cover "Kelly tells all your truth". Magazine cover "What's behind Anibal Gordon". Facade housing of the Gordon family in the street Azcuenaga, locality of Martinez. Journal cover "A leafy record linked to Triple A". Different photos of Anibal Gordon. Diary cover President Campora pardons all political prisoners. Cover of newspaper Pardon: Campora "I take the bull by the horns" (5/25/73). Image of Hector Campora as president of the nation (color). Cover of newspaper "The president promulgated yesterday the law of amnesty". Daily cover "A devout rodeo crowd: they release 276 political prisoners". Image of Anibal Gordon going down in cell phone in police station. Photo with the arrest of Anibal Gordon in 1971 for the assault on the bank of Rio de Negro Branch Bariloche. Image of Raul Guglielminetti walking inside a building. Photographs of businessman Osvaldo Sivak. Photo of diplomatic Elena Holmberg.
Detail: Images narrated by Pinky.
Date: 1992
Duration: 5 minutes 24 seconds
Code: DV-01427

Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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