An Introduction To Using GIS In Marine Biology: Supplementary Workbook Four: Investigating Home

  • 5 years ago
This book is the fourth companion volume to An Introduction To Using GIS In Marine Biology . It is designed to augment the information on using GIS in marine biology provided in that book, and, indeed, to be used alongside it rather than to be used independently as a stand-alone volume. Therefore, this book will be of most interest to those who have already read An Introduction To Using GIS In Marine Biology . This book consists of five exercises covering the practical use of GIS in marine biology using ERSI s ArcGIS(r) 10.2 GIS software. These exercises are based around using GIS to investigate the home ranges of individual animals. They range from creating minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and kernel density estimates (KDEs) to comparing the home ranges of different individuals in a population. The exercises are designed to be followed in the order they are presented, and work with a specific data set which can be downloaded for free. Working through these five exercises will help the novice GIS user obtain experience in investigating the home ranges of individual animals in a GIS-based environment, and so develop their GIS skills. Unlike most other GIS tutorials, this information is specifically presented in a marine biological context and all the exercises use real data from a marine biological study. Therefore, these exercises are more likely to provide the kind of experience in using GIS that marine biologists will find useful and applicable to their own research. These exercises are presented in the same easy-to-follow flow diagram-based format first introduced in the How To... section of An Introduction To Using GIS In Marine Biology . They are accompanied by images which show the user how their GIS project should look as they progress through the exercises, allowing them to compare their own work to the expected results. This is part of the PSLS series of books which use Task-Oriented Learning (TOL) to teach the practical application of research skills to
