• 6 years ago
“I’m on the main jet!” Have you ever heard that expression while bench racing with your riding buddies? What the heck does that even mean? Well, after this episode of _MC Garage_, you’ll know. Today we talk about the main jet...

The basic layout of the carb, the float bowl - https://www.motorcyclistonline.com/inside-motorcycle-carburetor-float-bowl-height

Pilot jet - https://www.motorcyclistonline.com/inside-motorcycle-carburetor-idle-circuit

Check out Ari’s video on how to clean a carb - https://www.motorcyclistonline.com/how-to-clean-carburetor-carb-cleaning-tips-tech-tips-mc-garage

Find out more: https://www.motorcyclistonline.com/major-parts-motorcycle-carburetor-and-what-they-do

Videography: Bert Beltran


