Four parties submit key reform bills to National Assembly for fast-track move

  • 5 years ago
여야4당, 패스트트랙 4법 발의 완료

At South Korea's National Assembly, four political parties have made headway in getting fast-track status for key reform bills.
They have submitted all four bills they want to fast track,... including one on electoral reform,... one to create an independent body to investigate corruption among government and public officials,... and another to boost the investigative authority of the police.
It came despite fierce resistance from the main opposition Liberty Korea Party,... which is not part of the fast-track deal.
Concerns are mounting over another possible clash tonight,... when the four parties try to convene parliamentary committees and approve the designations.
They initially tried to fast track some of the key bills today,... but that was prevented by a physical standoff between the ruling and main opposition parties.
The LKP claimed the four parties were using illegal means to get the bills fast-tracked to suit their political interests and vowed to resist until the end.
The ruling Democratic Party condemned the conservative party for what they called "illegal violence,"... saying they will sue those involved.


