• il y a 17 ans
New track from Queen + Paul Rodgers: C-lebrity

Ain't got no hope, got no idea
What to do or why I'm here
Wanna get my face on your TV
Wanna be heard, I want to be seen
Ain't got nothing
No, nothing
Nothing to show
Make me a c-lebrity
I want to be, a face on TV
Then you can see, I'm a c-lebrity
I wanna get my features in magazines
See this creature on every street, in every scene
Write my life story before I'm 21
I gotta tell the world - they may say I'm dumb
But I - ain't got nothing
No, nothing
Nothing to show
Make me a c-lebrity
I want to be, a face on TV
Then you can see, I'm a c-lebrity
I Wanna be a star in a Broadway musical
They will love me, though I can't sing or dance at all
They may say I'm lackadaisical
And if I was real good, I'd stand no chance at all
I want to be, a face on TV
Then you can see, I'm a c-lebrity
Then you can say, you knew me one day
Then you will see, I'm a c-lebrity
C-, C-lebrity
C-, C-, c-lebrity
C-, C-lebrity
C-, C-, C-, C-lebrity
I want to be heard
I want to be seen on every TV screen

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