BOK governor says uncertainties grow over U.S.-China trade talks

  • 5 years ago
이주열 "미중 무역협상 불확실성 커져...시장 안정화 노력"

South Korea's central bank held an emergency meeting Friday morning... to evaluate the impact on the country's financial markets... of the U.S.-China trade tensions and North Korea's projectile launches.
BOK governor Lee Ju-yeol said the rise in uncertainty surrounding the U.S.-China trade talks is affecting global and local financial markets.
Korea's benchmark KOSPI plunged three percent on Thursday to close at 21-02, the biggest one-day drop since last October.
There was a slight recovery today though.
The BOK chief said the bank will closely monitor the U.S.-China trade talks... and help stabilize markets through close cooperation with the government.