Chocolate Malteser Ice Box Cake | Good Housekeeping UK

  • 5 years ago
An ice-box cake is made up of layers of biscuits and whipped cream, set overnight in the fridge so it softens and becomes one squidgy cake. Our chocolate malt version will take you straight back to your childhood!

The cake
600 ml double cream
4 tbsp. malt powder – we used Horlicks
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tbsp. icing sugar
About 250g (9oz) Maltesers, roughly chopped
About 300g (11oz) malted milk biscuits, plus extra to decorate, optional
To decorate
125 ml (4 fl oz) double cream
100 g (3 ½oz) dark chocolate, chopped
1 tbsp. golden syrup
Party rings and smarties, to decorate, optional

Lightly oil an 18cm (7in) loose-bottom cake tin, then line with clingfilm. In a large bowl, whip the cream, Horlicks, vanilla and icing sugar to soft peaks. Fold in two thirds of the Maltesers.

Line the bottom of the tin with about a third of the biscuits, then spread with about a third of the whipped cream mixture. Repeat twice more, finishing with cream. Transfer to the fridge and chill overnight.

The next day, make the chocolate sauce. Heat the cream, chocolate and syrup in a small pan over a gentle heat, stirring occasionally, until the chocolate is melted and the sauce is smooth. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.

Release cake from the tin and put on a serving plate. Carefully take off the clingfilm. Pour the sauce over the top, encouraging it to drip down the sides. Top with remaining Maltesers and extra biscuits, if you like, to decorate. Smarties and party rings can also be optionally added.

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