Petrol bombs hurled at home of Albanian Prime Minister by opposition party protesters

  • 5 years ago
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama’s was subject to a barrage of Molotov Cocktails thrown at his door from protesters of the opposition's Democratic Party on May 11.

A dozen policemen and several protesters were reportedly hurt during the violent protests.

Three months of calls for Mr Rama to resign over election fraud and corruption claims saw his residence barricaded by a thick line of police as his door was attacked with the petrol bombs.

After lawmakers broke ties with the Albanian parliament the protesters began to make calls for snap poll in February. The Democratic Party have said they will boycott the elections in June unless Mr Rama resigns, stating: "The Democratic Party will enter the elections only when the conditions for free and fair elections are guaranteed,"

The opposition leader Lulzim Basha also said they were “determined to keep waging a bigger and more resolute battle as long as the government was keeping Albania apart from Europe”

Footage shows a two-deep line of police in front of the prime minister's home as protesters hurl petrol bombs and firecrackers. A multitude of explosions reign down on the building which leaves a layer of thick black soot.

The filmer has excellent footage of the bombs exploding at the entrance to the building as the line of police look on.

There are chants in Albanian ringing reportedly stating “We want a European Albania” as large Albanian flags are waved from side to side. .

Footage also shows hundreds involved inthe protests, some with masked faces, as the filmer captures images from behind the crowd while smoke from the bombs fills the air.

Towards the end of the footage a man, thought to be Mr Basha stands on a platform to jubilant cheers from the protesters.


