President Moon pledges to strengthen his signature peace and reform drive

  • 5 years ago
문 대통령, "분단을 정치에 이용하는 낡은 이념의 잣대는 버려야"

Our starting point this evening,...
Officially entering his third year in office,... President Moon says he will create an era where Korean people's lives can improve in an innovative and inclusive nation.
In order to achieve ultimate peace on the Korean Peninsula,... the president said bipartisan cooperation is a must.
Shin Se-min leading our coverage tonight.
President Moon Jae-in is strengthening his flagship peace and reform drive, as his administration enters its third year in office.
During his first formal meeting with top aides, since the second anniversary of his inauguration last week,... the president looked back on his time in office,... and said he had walked down a bold path which resulted in the peace in the region that had become an irreversible trend.
He said it would be useless if more accomplishments don't follow,... referring to administrative policies,... as well as actual changes that should be realized by the people.
"We will proceed to become a nation in which all people prosper - a nation where peace is firmly established, where opportunities to work and pursue dreams are guaranteed, and where outcomes are fair and based on effort. I will create an era where the Korean people can improve under the innovative, inclusive nation and the New Korean Peninsula System. "
The New Korean Peninsula System,... is based on a virtuous circle where peace leads to economic development, which leads to the strengthening of peace.
The president then called for a bipartisan campaign to establish lasting peace,... while expressing regret that the country's political front had not shown improvement
"It is deeply regrettable that the political circles still remain in the past, when the world is greatly changing. Using the division of the Korean Peninsula for political purposes should be stopped. "
He said his hope is to establish peace and create the New Korean Peninsula System as a new growth engine.
The president then condemned the recent deadlock at the National Assembly over the discord on the supplementary budget bill,... saying the impasse only hurts the people.
"And in a bid to speed up administrative affairs,... the top office again called for a meeting of the leaders of the five political parties, during which it hopes to nail down issues including the passage of a supplementary budget and the provision of food aid to North Korea.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News."


