Young girl writes letter to Target asking for female NASA clothing

  • 5 years ago
'MURICA — Lily Fogels has always been obsessed with space and was shocked to find that her local Target store only sold NASA t-shirts for boys.

Lily said she doubled checked the girls' section for space-themed clothing, however the NASA t-shirts were nowhere to be found.

She decided to buy a t-shirt from the boys' section anyway but she was determined to let Target know her thoughts on this.

Metro reports the little girl wrote a letter to Target saying, "I am very upset right now because all your NASA clothing is only in the boys area in my Target and I am a girl."

Lily continued adding that, "I want NASA clothes in the girls area because girls like space too. It doesn't need to be different styles just move some from the boys."

Target has yet to respond to Lily's letter. According to Metro, Lily said that it is unfair that the store didn't sell any NASA clothing for girls.

Lily's mom, Suzi Fogels, said that the fact that Target failed to keep a supply of female NASA t-shirts shows that there is still the stereotype that space is only for boys, adding that boys are more encouraged than girls to aim to become an astronaut or to work in the space industry.

She said she encouraged her daughter to write the letter in hopes of bringing about change.


