Killer Anonymous Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Tensions mount at KILLERS ANONYMOUS, a support group for killers, as the members of the group try to unravel the mystery behind which one of them is responsible for the assassination attempt on a U.S. senator that has the police authorities in the city on high alert. But things are not as they seem, and when new truths are discovered, secret alliances and betrayals emerge as the session explodes into violence and chaos, forcing the killers to kill or be killed!
directed by Martin Owen
starring Gary Oldman, Jessica Alba, Tommy Flanagan, Rhyon Nicole Brown, Suki Waterhouse, MyAnna Buring, Tim McInnerny, Michael Socha, Sam Hazeldine, Elizabeth Morris, Elliot James Langridge
release date June 28, 2019 (in select theaters and on VOD)
directed by Martin Owen
starring Gary Oldman, Jessica Alba, Tommy Flanagan, Rhyon Nicole Brown, Suki Waterhouse, MyAnna Buring, Tim McInnerny, Michael Socha, Sam Hazeldine, Elizabeth Morris, Elliot James Langridge
release date June 28, 2019 (in select theaters and on VOD)