• 6 years ago
[00:04] He’s new to this. - https://redd.it/borypc
[00:14] The ultra-rare Halloween Owl Derp. - https://redd.it/boqj6x
[00:32] Finally caught the little fucker stealing my tomatoes - https://redd.it/boprwx
[00:44] Hey Mom, I opened the door for you! - https://redd.it/boscjo
[00:52] The unexpected rise and fall of the first flight. - https://redd.it/bowu4k
[01:11] Behold the sock demon that lives under my bed - https://redd.it/bonzkp
[01:33] Cow thinks he’s a doggo - https://redd.it/bowwma
[01:49] I'm not your dad! - https://redd.it/bou2o4
[02:22] Doing the splits to get the licks - https://redd.it/boo9e8
[02:40] “You don’t wanna play? You don’t get to watch” - https://redd.it/boqw4m
[02:59] Happy, hoppy penguin - https://redd.it/boxs55
[03:32] Cats acting their younger selves are the cutest - https://redd.it/bosl4r
[03:40] When your son is annoying just push him down the stairs - https://redd.it/bouqel
[04:04] Our kitten found its shadow - https://redd.it/boyaj2
[04:21] This is how Leo the weirdo sleeps. Whatever works for him I guess. - https://redd.it/bp03ts
[04:32] Did you know that if a yak runs fast enough and digs his horns into the dirt, he can do a flip? - https://redd.it/boufvh
[04:46] Burrito disguise too convincing - https://redd.it/boo8tk

Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music


