O curta-doc Paul Buijs Explícito! mostra de forma original e bastante realista personagens da cena gay de Amsterdam, sob o olhar provocador de um jovem fotógrafo holandês. Ao misturar em suas imagens “realismo grotesco” com elementos da cultura pop, esses personagens ganham um novo protagonismo, fora dos clubes de sexo e fetiche.
Ficha Técnica
Direção: Luis Fabiano Teixeira
Produção: Luis Fabiano Teixeira e Tiago Cardoso
Direção de Arte: Luis Fabiano Teixeira
Montagem e Edição de Som: Tiago Cardoso
Tradução: Marcelo Rayel Correggiari
Paul Buijs
Young, reckless and fresh from the Arnhem art academy, Paul Buijs (Nijmegen, 1982) went in order to find a suitable subject for his graduation project, where no other student would follow; the shady underworld of gay darkrooms and sex parties. Hovering unsettlingly between fiction and reality, documentary style and art photography, Buijs’ work is of an unedited realism. What normally stays in the shades is now brightly lit up in an uncomfortable, confronting way. It reveals a curious and previously unexamined aspect of the gay scene, and provides a window into the collision of the club life, kinky sex and dark cellars that color the streets of Amsterdam.
Produtora Mar de Ideias
email: contatomardeideias@gmail.com
instagram e facebook @produtoramardeideias
Ficha Técnica
Direção: Luis Fabiano Teixeira
Produção: Luis Fabiano Teixeira e Tiago Cardoso
Direção de Arte: Luis Fabiano Teixeira
Montagem e Edição de Som: Tiago Cardoso
Tradução: Marcelo Rayel Correggiari
Paul Buijs
Young, reckless and fresh from the Arnhem art academy, Paul Buijs (Nijmegen, 1982) went in order to find a suitable subject for his graduation project, where no other student would follow; the shady underworld of gay darkrooms and sex parties. Hovering unsettlingly between fiction and reality, documentary style and art photography, Buijs’ work is of an unedited realism. What normally stays in the shades is now brightly lit up in an uncomfortable, confronting way. It reveals a curious and previously unexamined aspect of the gay scene, and provides a window into the collision of the club life, kinky sex and dark cellars that color the streets of Amsterdam.
Produtora Mar de Ideias
email: contatomardeideias@gmail.com
instagram e facebook @produtoramardeideias