Green IT: how to save money and improve image

  • 16 years ago Green IT for different reasons. Pollution in manufacturing or disposal. Save energy costs. IT directors pressure to save money, increase efficiency. Video by conference keynote speaker Patrick Dixon - Meet environmental standards â??do all at almost zero cost, if capital outlay on Green IT offset against savings in future.. Corporations changing their hardware, better software, improving operating environment, increasing recycling and encouraging work more efficiently. â??Greening of ITâ? improve corporate image, customer loyalty, staff retention and productivity. IT, real estate example, electricity bills for office block and financial incentive for the IT department. Save the planet by reducing energy on paper printing and travel. Electrical power used in gadgets, computers and other equipment: mobile phone power supplies, wireless router, computers, plasma screens, digital TV receivers and so on. 1 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity was used last year to power the web â?? 5.3% of all global power use and 9.4% of electricity consumption in the US. Web traffic will grow 40-100 times over next 15 years, mainly as a result of video on demand. Web servers consume more than 1% of global electricity, growing 14-20% a year. 50,000 square feet data centre uses 5 megawatts â?? enough to power more than 5,000 homes. Web servers in large data centres across America use the equivalent of a full yearâ??s output from seven 1,000 megawatt power plants. Green IT means more efficient power supplies; power management software (Windows Server 2008, but Linux does better); more efficient chips; better cooling systems; better use of fibre-optics, turning additional servers on and off, adjusting cooling systems to the numbers of servers actually active; separate sections of IT rooms at different ambient temperatures; placing air conditioning units closer; using heat exchangers to cool server farms and low energy lighting. Virtual Servers to save ...


