Manchester arena bombing marks second anniversary with memorial

  • 5 years ago
MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM — The second anniversary of the Manchester terror incident will be marked by a private memorial service on May 22 for survivors, first responders, and families who lost loved ones.

Here's what happened on that dark day two years ago.

The New York Times reports that Ariana Grande concert goers were leaving Manchester Arena on the night of May 22, 2017 when a blast rocked the venue.

According to the publication, Islamic extremist Salman Abedi had stood in the foyer carrying a homemade TATP bomb inside a backpack. Evidence found at the scene shows the device was powered by a 12-volt, 2.1 amp lead acid battery, and packed with metal bolts and screws.

The BBC reports that Abedi detonated the incendiary device at 10:31 p.m., killing himself and 22 people, and injuring over a hundred others.

According to the Guardian, mobile phone footage recorded panic inside the auditorium immediately after the explosion, as people ran to the exits to try and get out.

Salman Abedi had been born and raised in Manchester to Libyan refugee parents. He has three siblings, all born in England.

According to the BBC, 22-year-old Abedi is believed to have been taught bomb making while in Libya. He then returned to the U.K. days before the attack to construct his device.

A report by parliamentary watchdog ISC criticized MI5 and counter terrorism police for missing chances to prevent the bombing.

Abedi had been flagged for review as a subject of interest but wasn't under active investigation. The lack of monitoring or travel restrictions reportedly allowed him to return to Britain undetected.

According to the BBC, Abedi's brother Hashem, is wanted in relation to the bombing. He was taken into custody in Tripoli in 2017 and was meant to be extradited to the U.K, but fighting in Libya has continued to delay the process.


