Full version AAP Textbook of Global Child Health For Kindle

  • 5 years ago
This award-winning book is a comprehensive reference that combines travel medicine, practicing medicine in other countries; and review of diseases endemic in the tropics and resource-limited areas. Contents include: Section 1Understanding Principles of Global Child Health:The Reality of Child Mortality; Poverty, Politics, War, and Health; Medical Anthropology; Cultural Sensitivity, Awareness, and Competency in Pediatric Practice; International Law and Health; Maltreatment and Advocacy; Environmental Hazards; Medical Work in Resource-Limited Countries; Disaster Relief. Section 2 Caring for Pediatric Travelers and Immigrants: Travel Clinics; Pre-travel Care; Adolescent Travelers Without Parents; Immunization for Travelers; Traveler s Diarrhea; Injury Prevention; Insect Bite Prevention; The Ill-Returned Traveler; International Adoption; Care of Immigrants. Section 3 Practicing Pediatrics in Resource-Limited Countries: Newborn Care; Promoting Early Child Development; Malnutrition; Fever; Gastrointestinal Infections; Respiratory Conditions; Dermatology; Bites and Stings; HIV and AIDS; Infection Control.
