Military parade anniversary of Independence Argentina 1933

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Military parade to mark the Independence Day. The President of the Nation, General Agustin P. Justo, arrives at the official box, accompanied by the Minister of War, General Basilio Pertine. The commander-in-chief of the forces, General Mohr. To the rhythm of the marches that the band of the group executes, the cadets of the naval school pass. The Artillery group of Costas, constituted by the battalions of Puerto Belgrano, Rio Santiago and Punta del Indio. Closing the passage of the Marina group. Parade the landing crew of the battleships "Rivadavia" and "Moreno" with its director, Colonel Juan Tonazzi; The cadets of the Military College march at the head. Following the order of the parade to the institutes parades the Infanteria group. The Artilleria group parades at trot and trot also does the Caballeria. The motorized elements of the Army close the parade. (Without sound)
Date: 9/7/1933
Duration: 5 minutes 30 seconds
Film code: BC-0481

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