• 5 years ago
Good morning, the heat is on. Most parts of Korea will be baking under mid summerlike temperatures with the season's first heat wave advisories being issued in Seoul. Gyeongsan in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province will see highs around 36 degrees ...it won't be too much of a surprise to see the Gyeongsang-do regions and Daegu put under a heat wave warning.
The sizzling heat will get you sunburnt, today's not a day to go for tanning. UV rays will be very high.. ozone levels will also be very high in most areas during the day. What's worse western regions will have high levels of fine dust.

Right now, though, it's comfortable outside. Morning lows in most areas are slightly higher than yesterday..kicking off the day in the mid to upper teens.
It will get seriously uncomfortable by the afternoon, senior citizens and young children will need special care with the highs easily surpassing 30 degrees. The heat continues through the weekend.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.
