Periscope Use to Getting More Followers 5 Ideas and a Cool Nifty Trick!

  • 5 years ago
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Hey, today I want to talk about Periscope use to getting more followers and share a cool nifty trick with you.

One of the classic ways to get followers on Periscope is to follow people in your niche and some of them will follow you back.

You find leaders in your niche and follow their followers. The more targeted they are the better right?

Just like with any other social media site you can network with people in your niche and give value. There is a social currency, so if you give hearts, provide feedback and comments some of those people will do the same for you.

Gary Vee who is one of the most successful internet marketers created this give, give, give then ask formula.

My formula is just give then ask. Then maybe give twice and ask.

You can follow your followers. One way is while you are doing a live broadcast, however if you do this too much it can be not a very good experience.

What might be better is to follow people right after you do your live broadcast. You can also follow your replay viewers. The replay is de-activated after 24 hours, so around 20 hours after you do the broadcast, you can follow as many of your replay viewers as you can.

Another tip, which I can't help mentioning is to ask for followers, and explain exactly how people can follow you.

You can say something like if you received value and enjoyed this video please follow me by hitting the little follow button and you will be notified of my next live broadcast.

When you getting near the end of your show you can even hint at what is coming next. Not a bad idea right? Steal, what they have been doing on TV for years. Give them a reason to come back right?

Another tip to getting more followers is to use the embedded button. You can find this at - I'll include a link below.

The blue button is when you are not live and red is when you go live and it does flash. This is a button that you can put on your webpages and all over the place to get more people to give you attention.

Lastly, what about all the other people you have on other social networks? Facebook friends, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, email lists, business cards, blog, thank you pages, a link in your email signature.

I'm a big fan of taking one peace of content and leveraging the crap out of it because I”m lazy and I'll admit it.

One important point is just because you mention it to people in your other social networks that doesn't mean they will sign up for it.

It helps to get them excited about it and educate them on how to get the app and follow you. I call this dummy proofing things.

You can make it step by step, so they can't fail. Step 1 get the Periscope app on your phone it's free. Step 2 open the app and
