Blue House to continue efforts to reveal truth about sinking of Sewol-ho ferry in 2014

  • 5 years ago
청와대, '세월호 전면 재수사' 청원에 "새로운 사실 밝히는 데에 노력"

The presidential office says it will continue efforts to reveal the truth behind the 2014 sinking of the Sewol-ho ferry, which claimed hundreds of young lives.
But, responding to a petition on the presidential office's website calling for a fresh probe into the disaster,... presidential secretary for anti-corruption Park Hyoung-chul said it's still too early to discuss whether to create an independent investigation group in the prosecution.
He said that a special investigation committee is actively working on the case, adding its tenure will end next year.
The top office said it will look into the then Park Geun-hye administration's handling of the disaster, which came under fire for apparently failing to take swift and appropriate measures to rescue passengers.