Sarah Sanders says Trump has good relationship with Kim Jong-un

  • 5 years ago
미국 백악관 대변인 "트럼프, 김정은과 관계 좋고 약속 지킬 것 확신"

Despite the stalemate in denuclearization talks between Pyeongyang and Washington.,.... the White House says President Trump has a good relationship with his North Korean counterpart.
That he believes Kim Jong-un will keep his word on denuclearization.
Moon Connyoung tells us more.
U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un share a "very good" relationship and the American leader is confident that Chairman Kim will keep his promise and move towards denuclearization.
That's White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," while accompanying the U.S. president on his state visit to Japan.
She defended President Trump's approach to efforts to denuclearize North Korea after host Chuck Todd pressed her over the U.S. president's tweet a day earlier.
"Look, the President's focus in all of this process is on continuing the very good relationship that he has with Chairman Kim. And he feels good that the Chairman will stay firm with the commitment that he made to the President and move towards denuclearization. That's our focus, that's going to continue to be our focus."
Mr. Trump's tweet on Sunday dismissed concern over the North's latest missile launch... calling them "some small weapons" which did not disturb him.
Just hours earlier, his national security adviser, John Bolton, said there was "no doubt" the tests violated United Nations Security Council resolutions.
Observers say the Trump administration is trying to keep diplomatic doors open to North Korea while staying committed to its goal of denuclearizing North Korea... even though Bolton admitted the U.S. has not "heard much" from North Korea since the last summit in Hanoi fell apart.
Moon Connyoung, Arirang News.


