Otranto -Torre del Serpente, il luogo più a Est d’Italia, il punto nel quale, prima che lo dimenticassimo, Occidente e Oriente una volta si toccavano. Oggi la memoria di quel contatto sembra riemergere al seguito dei clandestini che sbarcano sulle spiagge, come ci ricordano i vestiti, le scarpe gli oggetti personali che si trovano lungo la costa. A quanti tra loro non ce l’hanno fatta, abbiamo dedicato il canto del coro polifonico albanese di Lapardha, che all’alba del 5 agosto 2002 ha intonato un brano per le vittime di quell’”incidente” del 1997, nel quale morirono decine di albanesi su una nave speronata dalla marina militare italiana.
The easternmost part of Italy, the point where, lest we forget, East and West once touched. Today, the memory of that link seems to re-emerge as a consequence of all the illegal immigrants that disembark on its beaches, as their clothes, shoes and personal effects found along the coast remind us. To those among them that did not make it, we dedicate the canto of the polyphonic Albanian chorus of Lapardha that, on August 5, 2002, at dawn, sang one of its passage for the victims of the 1997 “accident”, in which dozens of Albanians died aboard a boat sunk by the Italian navy.
The easternmost part of Italy, the point where, lest we forget, East and West once touched. Today, the memory of that link seems to re-emerge as a consequence of all the illegal immigrants that disembark on its beaches, as their clothes, shoes and personal effects found along the coast remind us. To those among them that did not make it, we dedicate the canto of the polyphonic Albanian chorus of Lapardha that, on August 5, 2002, at dawn, sang one of its passage for the victims of the 1997 “accident”, in which dozens of Albanians died aboard a boat sunk by the Italian navy.