• 5 years ago
A conventional Silicon Valley narrative: It's the mid 1990s when two twenty something students had an idea for a research project. Larry Page and Sergueï Brin were studying the intricate programming of search engines, but wanted to revolutionise algorithms used to lead users to websites. Page and Brin strove for greater accuracy and relevancy with search results. They managed to open a bank account in the name of Google Inc., with their first investment of $100,000. Google was a latecomer and had fewer resources and employees than the likes of AltaVista and Yahoo. The later was confident leader in the industry and turned down a chance to buy Google in 1997. But users got more useful and relevant results with Google, their allegiance soon switched at the turn of the century, at the same time, Larry Page successfully patented Google's PageRank technology. The company expanded rapidly in the early 2000s, new services such as Maps and Gmail turned Google into a multi-faceted enterprise. Its most lucrative acquisition, YouTube, was realized in 2006. Google is now a pioneer of internet-based technology and invests heavily in its Android operating system, virtual assistant enterprise and driverless cars.


