Imagenes del Penal de Ushuaia - Tierra del Fuego 1972

  • hace 5 años
Tierra del Fuego: Journalistic note in the city of Ushuaia. Report where journalist Ovidio comments: "At almost 3,500 kilometers from Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, capital of the national territory of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic islands, today lives a day similar to the one that lived 73 years ago, when the General Julio Argentino Roca reviewed the sea fleet and then on board the General Battleship Belgrano, he would meet with the President of Chile, Federico Errazuriz Echaurren, which today, 73 years later, will be in charge of the President of the Republic, Lieutenant General Alejandro Agustín Lanusse Until 1883, the Argentine navigator, Don Luis Piedrabuena, was the symbol of our sovereignty, until the following year the Sub-Prefecture Ushuaia was created, putting in force thereafter Argentine laws in this extreme south of the country. With the beginning of the century, year 1902, the construction of the prison began, 80 thousand square meters that now run our cameras. a, hothouse, tennis court and library. In addition to cells and kitchens, warehouses, stables, power plants, workshops, offices and warehouses. Its fame grew until 1947 when its chronic deficit and the precarious conditions determined its closure and the consequent eviction of the prison. Behind were stories and anecdotes of the celebrities who passed through their cells. In 1950 the current naval base was established and just as before, the prison with its 500 workers and employees constituted the vital center on which the daily life of the city revolved. Now the base fulfills that role and directly or indirectly its almost 5,700 inhabitants had or have a link with the naval institution; institution that today lives its party day like that of 1899, when a similar magazine was made in this bay. They are two neighbors of Ushuaia, they are 63 and 69 years old. They are called Mateo Caradiese and Pedro Anzieu, both dedicated a good part of their lives to this that was the jail of Ushuaia. With them we will talk and they will tell us stories and anecdotes that enclose these walls. "Report to Mr. Pedro Anzieu, in which he is asked: - This is the interior rotunda, here the whole line converges, the whole row of cells in a strange pentagon form and meet through all these doors, is it not like Don Pedro? - How many cells are those that ultimately has the criminal? (Answer: 5x76) - Each cell line of the pentagon has 76 (Answer: There are 380 cells in 5 pavilions) - Each one of you two, before entering the stories, that you feel now talking after so many years, in this it was a place of work a long time? famous remember that they passed through these cells? (Ovidio)
Date: 9/10/1972
Duration: 8 minutes 48 seconds
Film code: D-02887

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