• 6 years ago
Long Gone Wild Documentary Movie Trailer
Despite key concessions by SeaWorld, its orcas are still performing every day, and in eastern Russia the magnificent killer whale is under siege – hunted for sale into the exploding marine theme park industry in China. Witness an in-depth look at the case against captivity, the Whale Sanctuary Project, and covert missions on the high seas and in search of nine orcas held captive at a secret Chinese location. Directed by William Neal and featuring interviews with Ric O'Barry (Dolphin Project, The Cove), Dr. Naomi Rose (Animal Welfare Institute), David Kirby (Author, “Death at SeaWorld”), Dr. Ingrid Visser (Orca Research Trust), Charles Vinick (The Whale Sanctuary Project), Steven Wise (Nonhuman Rights Project), Dr. Lori Marino (Neuroscientist, expert in animal behavior and intelligence), Jeff Ventre (Former SeaWorld trainer).