Fortbyte #03 Accessible Using the Skull Trooper Emoji At The Western Most Point

  • 5 years ago
Today’s Fortbyte in Fortnite, #03, continues the tradition of making you go deeper and deeper into this season’s battle pass in order to unlock it. It is accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point of the map
Where is the Skull Trooper emoji? (weren’t they calling these ‘emoticons’?), that would be in tier 58 of the free side of the battle pass for season 9. Once you get there, you will be on track to unlock Fortbyte #03

For the western most point of the map, we have already been here for a challenge that had us visiting all four direction points of the map I believe last season. If we’re being told to go west, that means we are heading to the often-troubled Snobby Shores which has been invaded/destroyed a few times in recent months


Once you get there, you are looking for a little dirty path to the back of the row of houses that you can actually see from the air. Walking all the way to the edge and you will see both the sign marking this as the western edge of the map, and floating hologram of Fortbyte #03 you need to emote in front of.
I would expect these challenges to keep digging deeper and deeper into the battle pass, so if you want to keep up with them, make sure you are making progress on your battle pass because by week 9 or 10 I would expect these challenges to require use to use stuff in tiers 70-80 at least. I’m not sure if they’ll go all the way to demanding us to reach tier 100, but it’s possible. 90 Fortbytes gets us the Utopia skin, and I’m sure there’s a special prize for all 100 pieces, which yes, probably does require all 100 tiers of the battle pass, if I had to guess. But we’ll know more soon. For now, you need to get to at least tier 58.

1. Equip the skull trooper emoticon
2. West the west point by Snobby shores
3. Use the emoticon
4. Collect the fortbyte

Happy hunting Guys!

#Fortnite #Fortbyte03 #Trending
