Full version Jacques Lacan: A Feminist Introduction For Kindle

  • 5 years ago
Elizabeth Grosz focuses on the controversial texts of French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, analysing and assessing them from a feminist point of view. Designed as an introductory text for students of psychoanalysis and feminism, it places Lacan s work in the context of Freud s writings and contemporary debates generated in French intellectual and political life. In particular the back outlines Lacan s subversive conceptualisation of the human subject as a fundamentally divided being; split bilogically, sexually, linguistically and socially. Lacan s account of the genesis of the ego, his understanding of the sexual drives and his notion of the unconscious structured like a language provide the background needed to conceptualise how he understands relations between the sexes, especially love relations. The book also provides a background for understanding the contributions of the French feminists of difference , particularly Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray, to contemporary debates within Feminist theory.
